Cheap nice accommodation in Blantyre Malawi-Vickys Guest House.
You are planning to visit Blantyre and you intend to stay at a good but very comfortable place but you do not know where. Once thing you are sure is that your budget is less than USD 50 /£35 per night- MK7000.00. So you are obviously out of those famous expensive hotels in Blantyre.Well do not worry. We have a solution for you. Having lived/visited where you are from, we know what your preferences are and what your money is worth. We will host you in our comfortable guest house like you are a princess, and your pocket will still be full by the time you live.
We will provide you with a full house. All our rooms are fully ensuite; we have a dining and sitting room with Television and also a self catering kitchen for you to have a meal anytime you feel like. We have the ideal environment for that quiet business minded persons and also for those who like to relax.
We guarantee that if you are not happy with our accommodation at the prize we offer, we will pay you half the money you paid if you find a better place at the same rate.
We are in Moneymen: only 10 minutes from the centre of the town and 15 minutes from the famous Game/Shoprite shopping complex.
So try us. We can even organize a vehicle for you.
Want to see our rooms and other pictures before coming? you must email me.
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