Ask me about my status; am known that I am in a “write up status” instead of the usual happily married answer .You see once the major research data collection has been completed , one is suppoosed to go into a write up status, symbolizing that you have to analyze and synthesize the data and then write up paper.This is the stat I am in now , which is really a busy period.Well its even harder harder you are in Malawi (home and dry) where other demanding things pop up all the time .
For instance I am the technical advisor to the Phalombe children project , jointly conducted by Lions Club of Limbe and Lions Club of Perugia , Italy .This is a project where we are screening children for need for glasses and providing glasses for free ; and also refering those who need surgery .Blantyre Insititute for community Ophthalmology (BICO) is coordinating the project .A big screening activity has been planned on 2nd October 2010.
I also have with me my elective Optometry students from University of Waterloo in Canada during this period .
Did you know the Lions Eye hospital in Zomba will be opened on 1st of October and that I have declined to be the director? Too much stress at the moment and I may end up collapsing.
I am concentrating on the write up. Once that is done then we can see what is next?
So when you see me not blogging , well am fine in Blantyre , but going on. See pictures of our project in Phalombe , Nazombe resource centre with Lion members?
What do you say?
Email me!
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