My daughter will be turning five in a couple of months. Having been born in the UK, she reminds me of how long I have been blogging about her miracle life (remember Tapiwa was born as a premature baby and her size was same as loaf of bread).I have been writing about blindness and what we are doing in Malawi while in the UK . I have seen her grow and now she refuses to be called a baby. This has made me realize that I must have grown so old in those 5 years.
Having said in my profile that I have been at different Universities as a student for 23 years (since 1988) some people have counseled me to seriously consider giving up as a student and move on (some people call it graduating). Having looked at all options and advice, I have now made a decision to move on with my life (beyond being a student) to see something else in life.
This means over the next few months my ties/links with London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine will be decreasing and eventually it will be cut. I will now take up a role as a lecturer at College of Medicine in Blantyre Malawi where I am expected to teach other people to take over my post/job within the next few years.
While in Malawi I will dedicate a bit of time to fighting blindness in children in different communities in Malawi (I have done a whole PhD on how to do this) and with the organization that I will mostly be associated with at Lions Sight First Eye Hospital known as Blantyre Institute for Community Ophthalmology
BICO I believe Malawi will move somewhere towards the fight against blindness. BICO will continue doing practical research that can guide Policy.
This means I am also changing my email. From now onwards you should
Email me! from BICO website.
This is probably the last blog from 3rd Floor Keppel street London where London School Of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is. If Time allows in future I will be back in London Otherwise for now the Diaspora is over am going back to Malawi for good.
Watch over
BICO website for blindness news from Malawi.
From now onwards I will be blogging less but posting more articles on BICO website.
Did you know that a child somewhere gets blind “every 5 minutes” and that most of the blind children live mainly in poor Sub-Saharan countries like Malawi?
Aren’t you surprised that I have decided to give up “bread and butter” in London for bread crumbs in Malawi.
Ask me why
Email me!