Just about 3 months ago we were busy conducting the research to see if trachoma eye disease was still a disease of public health importance in Malawi .Trachoma ocular infections are transmitted by flies ;and recurrent eye infections leads to frequent eye disease ,lid scarring ,eye lashes turning inwards and rubbing on the cornea and finally causing blindness.
We have verified that Trachoma is still a problem in the two districts that we did the survey (Chikwawa and Mchinji) ;and now we need to plan on how we are going to fight this disease. Trachoma is primarily a community disease and a disease of poverty ;and our emphasis should focus on strategies that overall improve the health and social statuts on people involved .As a community Ophthalmologist ,I am taking this matter further up with the ministry of health and the supporting partners that we should have a national Trachoma control Programme (we never had one);which should lobby for national trachoma eliminations activities .
Are you interested in Trachoma? Do you want to find out how you can help fight this disease?
Email me!